The scenarios on this portal were created in an open access tool called ‘Xerte’, developed by the University of Nottingham. For instructions on writing scenarios using Xerte click on this link.
Master copies of the scenarios are maintained by theme leaders:
- Animal Welfare Science – Raf Freire, Charles Sturt University
- Animal Ethics – Clive Phillips, University of Queensland
- Companion Animals – Chris Degeling and Anne Fawcett, University of Sydney
- Production Animals – Andrew Fisher, University of Melbourne
- Animals in the Wild – Kevin Stafford, Massey University
- Animals used in Research and for Teaching – Teresa Collins, Murdoch University
- Animals used for Work, Sport, Recreation or Display – Susan Hazel, University of Adelaide
- Aquatic Animals – Janice Lloyd, James Cook University
We have created assessment criteria which can be used to support assessments suggested in the scenarios. These may be particularly helpful since some of the assessments proposed (e.g. role plays, videos etc.) may be tasks that you are not familar with and may appear challenging to assess.
The scenario overview page included as part of each scenario makes reference to the learning objectives associated with that scenario. These relate to the RCVS Day One Compentences, a copy of which is included below, with AWE associated competences highlighted. We have also included a table which shows which learning objectives/RCVS Day One Competences are associated with each scenario.